Get The DIY Guide To Save Your Marriage SOLO Today for $4.99 and …
Learn How You Can Single-Handedly Save Your Marriage in 30 Days or Less!
… Even if Your Partner Has Filed For Divorce, Refuses Couples Counseling, or is Engaged in An Active Affair.
This method is the fastest way to end separation and stop divorce. It is the most consistent and reliable way to trigger love, connection, and a desire to forgive the past in your partner. And BTW, it works even if right now you are just days or weeks away from the courthouse steps.
➩ YES! Send Me My Book + BonusesDear Friend,
Do you want to learn how to single-handedly save your marriage, keep your family united, and create a rock-solid partnership with your spouse, all in 30 days or less?
Here’s the secret:
No More Hours Wasted on the Couples Therapy Couch, in Marriage Retreats, or “Walking On Eggshells” Around Your Spouse.
Just a Simple, “Paint-By-Numbers” Method.
Me before my wife …
For well over a decade, I was a life coach who was excellent at helping others save their marriages. I created a high-probability formula for success in saving relationships and creating lifelong love.
Also me before my wife …
I happened to be a single playboy, destined to be a bachelor for the rest of my life. Ironically, I resisted the very same formula I created because I believed I was never going to be in a relationship myself.
But that all changed when I met the love of my life, Rose …
She was tall, beautiful, intelligent, and full of grace. She was everything I wanted in a woman, but my bachelor mindset wouldn’t allow me to see it. So, I continued my playboy ways, dating multiple people while seeing her.
Long story short, she was so amazing and supportive that I snapped out of it and could see for the first time that she was the one. I went to her and told her about the other woman, saying I wanted to commit to her 100%. She was devastated, angry, and wanted nothing to do with me.
So, I did what any self-respecting man with my level of training would do …
I groveled, cried, begged for forgiveness, and asked her to give me another chance. Of course, it didn't work. I was in reaction mode. But it wasn't until she said, ‘Look, I see you trying. But even if I wanted to, I could never love you again. I'm sorry.’ that I remembered what I had to do to make this right.
Six weeks later …
We were back together. I earned her trust and her love again. Fast forward to today, and we are happily married with a beautiful son, living our bliss and creating our future. I’ve never been happier.
How’d I do it?
By executing the exact methodology I’ve outlined in this book.
✓ I dissolved her stress at every opportunity.
✓ I figured out what drives her happiness the most, and became the main source of that happiness.
✓ I worked on myself and learned what drove me to behave the way I did, and what to do about it. With all of her fears about our future together out of the way, I put back in the happiness and hope that had made her fall in love with me in the first place.
✓ It took a solid commitment to follow through, and I did.
Obviously, I can’t read this book, do the work, and save your marriage for you … but this method has already helped me save thousands of relationships (including my own) using the same exact blueprint.
The key thing to take away from this is that if you make a solid commitment, follow through, and implement everything you’re about to read by design … then you too can create a life-long love with your partner, no matter how things look right now.
Let me show you some real life examples of what this method can do for your relationship …
One Month From Divorce, Completely Shut Out, Blocked on Social Media and Texting, and Living in Separate States
16-Year Marriage About to End, Infidelity, Lack of Communication, and ZERO Respect
Toxic Relationship, Constant Fighting, Active Affair, and Threats of Divorce
The examples above are not the exception. Thousands of my clients have implemented this methodology to produce similar breakthrough results.
DISCLAIMER: I have to tell you that my clients who get these kinds of results all have one thing in common – they choose to go all in, keep their foot on the gas, and do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to save their marriage.
If you’re hoping that this book will provide you with some simple tips and tricks to implement here or there, whenever it’s convenient or urgent … don’t even bother.
This requires REAL commitment and effort toward your goal of saving your relationship. If you’re willing to work on yourself, then by doing the work in this book you will be able to not only save your broken marriage, but also master all of the relationships in your life.
You’ll discover yourself as someone who can consistently and reliably make the difference for the people you care about most – especially your spouse.
Get Your Copy Today!
The DIY Guide to Save Your Marriage SOLO
Single-Handedly Save Your Marriage & Start Creating Life-Long Love Using My “DetoxDOSE” Method
The book I have for sale on this page is called – The DIY Guide to SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE SOLO for Firing Your Divorce Attorney, Couples Therapist, and Their Affair Partner because those are the three people who will be out of a job when you save your own marriage and divorce comes off the table.
Spicy, right?
This book is the culmination of over a decade’s worth of experience helping others save their marriages on their own, without the cooperation of their partner and against some of the most gut-wrenching obstacles.
I’ve included everything you need to know to repair virtually any relationship. The method outlined for you in this book will teach you how to become a master of your marriage who can handle any situation, so that both you and your spouse can go on enjoying your perpetual honeymoon full of love, intimacy, and partnership.
And it’s only $4.99!
If you find it helpful, maybe you’ll become a client. Then, my coaching team and I can help you to personally implement these techniques, just as we have with countless others struggling to repair their relationships.
Either way, you have everything you need in this book to save your marriage solo, no matter what’s going on in your marriage right now. I want nothing more than your success so I’ve made sure to include it all.
Here’s Some of What You’ll Discover Inside This Book:
✓ Understand the Simple Math of Love – the basic principles that govern all romantic relationships, including yours.
✓ Discover Your Relationship “Glitches” – the things you believe and do that have your relationships not work.
✓ How the DetoxDOSE Method explains everything about your entire love story.
✓ How to communicate with your partner, even after years of bad communication, so that you never argue again – ever.
✓ The exact framework that can turn any relationship around, no matter how far gone or hopeless things may seem.
✓ How to remove long-term toxicity from the relationship for good, so that issues from the past never come up again.
✓ How to master alleviating all of your partner’s stress and learn why this will save your relationship.
✓ How to trigger the exact right cocktail of happy hormones in your partner, so that your spouse feels that “in-love” feeling again and it never goes away.
✓ How to trigger attraction daily so your partner can’t resist thinking about and wanting you, even if they tried.
✓ Decode your and your partners survival strategies (think coping mechanisms), so that they never again sabotage your connection.
✓ How to create a perpetual honeymoon and a happily ever after, in as little as 30 days or less.
✓ And a whole ton more …
The book also includes actionable steps to take at the end of every chapter, three bonus video training sessions, and a comprehensive roadmap to help you SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE SOLO.
This Works Even If Your Partner is Already Gone & Unwilling to Work On The Relationship.
You might be thinking that there is no way in hell your partner will ever change their mind, and that in order to save your marriage from a certain end, they would have to agree to work on it together, but actually…
The DetoxDOSE Method only requires one willing spouse to save & repair the marriage.
Most of us have been sold the idea that relationships are a 50:50 proposition, and that both partners in agreement are required for a relationship to work.
That is a big, fat lie.
This book will break that myth wide open for you in less than 175 pages.
That’s why I’m so excited to be sharing this with you today!
Grab Your Copy Now, And Get These 3 Bonuses For Free!
Get Your Copy Right Now For Just $4.99
And You’ll Receive ALL of these Bonuses for FREE:

Bonus #1:
Disappearance Communication Training
How to successfully navigate through ANY difficult conversation.
When you master and implement this three-part communication tool, you will have exactly what you need to never argue with your partner again – ever. They will know you heard them and that their communication got through to you. So instead of having conversations that go in circles, create stress and cause toxicity in your marriage … you’ll actually have the ability to work through challenges together, talk to each other about anything, and experience next-level partnership and teamwork with your special person.
Bonus #2:
Primary Drivers Training
Learn how to make yourself irresistible to your partner without them knowing how.
After watching this video, you will know exactly what to look for and how to identify your partner’s specific “buttons and levers” for being in love. This video training will teach you exactly what to do and how to do it to trigger feelings of love and happiness in your partner. Before you know it, they won’t be able to get enough of you!

Bonus #3:
Alignment Training
Align your conscious and subconscious mind to work together and achieve incredible things as a result.
You ever notice how despite your best intentions to create a positive outcome with your partner, somehow you always find a way to screw it up? Yeah. I’ve been there. Here’s the truth … Our subconscious mind will destroy our relationship when we allow it to remain out of alignment with our commitment to fight for and save our marriage. In this video training, you will learn a short two-part exercise that packs a powerful punch for reprogramming your subconscious mind. This is NOT your average “daily affirmations” advice that requires you to believe what you say, when in fact you don’t. It’s backed by science, and works daily for thousands of my clients to produce their desired results for life.
The DIY Guide to Save Your Marriage SOLO is available for a one-time payment of just $4.99. When you order today, you’ll get an immediate digital download plus all 3 of the bonuses listed above at no additional cost.
Order your digital copy today and get the exact method I’ve used to consistently help my clients save their marriages, even when their partner wasn't willing.
Grab Your Copy of The DIY Guide to SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE SOLO + All 3 Bonuses
For Just $4.99
To recap of this ultra-long page for those who hate reading:
- You can single-handedly save your marriage, even if your partner is currently unwilling to work on the relationship.
- This method works to end separation and stop divorce, fast, even when nothing else has.
- By working on yourself first, you will cause a shift in your partner that results in a perpetual honeymoon and life-long love together.
- If you execute the steps outlined in this book, exactly by design, there will be no one your partner would rather be with, and nowhere else they’d rather be than with you.
About Me & Why I Wrote This Book …
The method you're about to discover has radically transformed my life for the better. It allowed me to marry the woman of my dreams and to completely transform my life. It gave me the power to destroy my generational curses, and now I get to live a truly fulfilled life full of love and passion. I want that for you, too.
Most importantly, my genuine wish is that you gain more than just the know-how to apply this method. Sprinkled throughout these pages are nuggets of wisdom and insights drawn from my firsthand experiences as a relationship coach for over a decade, having made mistakes and come out stronger. While this may seem like a book focused on fixing relationships, it's truly a guide to crafting a richer life filled with happiness, stability, and peace.
I hold a deep conviction that during my lifetime and that of our children, the world can, should, and will experience a positive transformation. I firmly believe that it's individuals like you and me, ready to delve into our truest intentions and strive to become the greatest versions of ourselves – otherwise known in my community as "G.O.A.T." (the greatest of all time) – who will be the driving force behind this change.
So, it's a privilege to share what I know with you. I hope it inspires and informs you on how to grow and improve your relationship. I also hope that it will lead you to grow and improve, not just your life and the life of your spouse, but others’ lives as well.
With Love,
- Mario Che